Monday, 14 July 2014

The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness lectures series presents: Talking with the spirits: Mediumship and possession

The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness salon presents:


Jack Hunter & Dr David Luke with special guest Don Santos

Tuesday, 29th, July, 2014. Entry £7 /£5 Concessions (on the door) Wine available October Gallery Theatre

Anthropologist Jack Hunter and psychologist David Luke will be discussing some of the material from their new edited book, Talking with the Spirits: Ethnographies from Between the Worlds – a collection of a dozen ethnographic studies of trance possession cults and mediums from around the world.

Talking With The Spirits: A Brief Introduction To The Anthropology Of Spirit Possession - Jack Hunter

Jack will give a brief overview of the historical development, and contemporary state, of the anthropology of spirit possession, exploring the many theoretical paradigms that have been applied (not always satisfactorily), to this perplexing human phenomenon.

Psychedelic Possession: The Growing Incorporation of Incorporation Into Ayahuasca Use – Dr David Luke

Shamans the world over use mediumistic techniques and commune with the spirits of the dead, and many use psychedelic plants, but strangely rare is it that anyone ever uses psychedelics and spirit possession together. David will explore why that may be, and why this unique practice is now growing in parts of the world.

Huichol Cosmology: A Mara'akame Shares The Wirraritari Cosmovision And Mythology - Mara’akame Paritemai (Don Santos)

In Wirraritari society the Mara’akames are medicine-men and leaders. There are different types of Mara’akame; those who simply sing and communicate with the spirits, those who do treatments with energy, extracting disease and materialising it as it is sucked out by the mouth, and those who sing and heal as Mara’akame Santos does.

Please RSVP on Facebook (afraid so) so that we can anticipate numbers:

Free entry for anyone buying a copy of the Talking with the Spirits book (at reduced price of £15) at the door!

More here

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